What do I need to do to bank online with PCFCU?
- In order to ensure a smooth transition and a successful login, be sure your contact information (addresses, telephone and cell numbers, and email address) with Pacific Cascade is up to date.
- Simply call us at 541-343-6238 or 800-477-3328.
- Online Banking will access your contact information we currently have on file.
- If we have an old phone number, the system will attempt to reach you at that number with your sign-on code. This may slow down your process.
What is my user ID and password when I log into the system?
- When you log in for the first time, enter your User ID (Account Number or word or numbers you have used in the past if signing in for the first time on the NEW online banking product), use the last six digits of the PRIMARY member Social Security Number, you’ll then be asked to create a new Password. Following the password criteria of number of characters, upper and lower case letters, number(s) and special character(s).
- The next screen will give you a choice of how to receive your Secure Access Code: pick the method (such as phone or SMS (text message) most accessible to you.
- After you click Continue, your Secure Access Code should appear via that method within a few seconds. If it does not come through, give us a call to see if we have your most current phone number.
- This code does not last long so use it right away.
- Next, enter the Secure Access Code and click Continue.
Who do I call if I have questions?
For questions concerning Online Banking, and any “other” credit union product or service, call 541-343-6238 | (800-477-3328) during normal business hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
What browsers can I use with online banking?
- Newer versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox are commonly used browsers that work well with Online Banking.
- Older versions may not perform very well, mainly because their security features are outdated.
- For your own protection, we urge you to keep your browser up-to-date. Please update your browser if necessary.
- Find out what version you are using now.
- The browser settings on your computer change how Online Banking can function. For instance, if your settings delete all cookies, you’ll have to register your computer each time you log in.
- For specific information, select your specific browser here:
- Online-Mobile Banking Hardware – Software Requirements 03-16
Do I need to do anything if I have direct deposits set up?
No, your routing and account numbers will not change unless you close your account and reopen a new one. Your direct deposit information will show in your account history.
Is Pacific Cascade Mobile available?
The Pacific Cascade Mobile App and SMS is now available from your Android and iPhone app stores. Be sure to sign up for Remote Deposit Capture to deposit checks using your smart phone.
Mobile Deposit Service Agreement
Mobile Deposit Service Agreement-revised 10-2017