Opt Out from Credit Bureau-Based Mail Solicitation

Are you getting piles of credit solicitations in the mail every day? If you are sick and tired of receiving solicitations for credit from places you’ve never heard of, you can stop credit bureaus from releasing your name and credit information.

Opt-Out Now

Call: 1(888)567-8688 or, opt out on OptOutPrescreen.com

Make this call to prevent mail solicitation from all businesses that base their solicitations on information from any of the following credit bureaus:

  • TransUnion
  • Experian
  • Equifax
  • Innovis

Your Options

You will have the option to:

  • Prevent personal credit information from being shared for five (5) years;
  • Change your mind and allow your information to be released; or
  • Stop information from being released permanently.

If you choose to permanently refuse permission for credit bureaus to release your credit information, you will receive a confirmation sheet to complete and return to them.

Still Receiving Mail Solicitations?

You may still receive solicitations from businesses not using the credit bureaus to predetermine their mailing list. These might include catalogs, affinity lists and the university you attended. Unfortunately, you will need to contact these organizations separately if you want your name to be removed from their mailing lists.